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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Bio- Technology, Food Technology, Agriculture and Innovative Research (EIJO – JBTFTAIR) [ISSN : 2455 - 992X ]
Effects of X- Ray, Gamma Ray and UV Light on some Morphological Characteristics and Yield Components of the Second Generation Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Author Names : Mutaman A. A. Kehail, Layla A. M. Kheir, Elrasheid E. M. Ali and Yasir M. Abdelrahim  Volume 2 Issue 4
Article Overview


Sorghum is considered as one of the most important crops in Sudan economically and nutritionally. The objective of this research was to study the effects of X-ray, Gamma-ray and UV light on some morphological and yield components of the second generation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The first generation samples of sorghum seeds were brought from the Center of Biosciences and Biotechnology, University of Gezira. Some of the first generation sorghum seed samples were irradiated by two dose of X-rays (33.4 and 200.2 sec.), and two doses of gamma rays (200 CGY and 800 CGY), while the dose of ultra violet (UV) that used for general sterilization purposes against microorganisms was also used. The samples were planted in The Experimental Farm, University of Gezira. Vegetative growth parameters included, (plant weight, plant shoot length, number of fibrous roots/plant, number of leaves/plant, length of larger leaves, number of tillers/plant) and yield parameters included, (number. of heads/plant number of seeds/head and mean weight of seeds). The data were subjected to the appropriate statistical analysis. The results of this study revealed that, all treatments showed varying effects on all vegetative growth and yield parameters. There were some correlations (e.g. between number of roots and weight, number of roots and number of tillers, and also between plant weight and plant length). The F2 did not showed similarity to the F1 in most of the tested parameters. All irradiated groups, did not showed hypothetical high yield components (the production in the control (1643.02 kg\ha), LX (3299.45 kg\ha), HX (1086.54 kg\ha), LG (1108.76 kg\ha), HG (1917.54 kg\ha) and UV (1385.14 kg\ha). The research recommended further studies concerning the flour quality and resistance to diseases and pests in the irradiated sorghum.



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