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JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovative Research (EIJO – JETIR) [ ISSN : 2455 - 9172 ]
Community Structure and Central Node Identification through Leadership Function and Its Application

Author Names : Renuka Anil Raut, Prof.Mr.R.H.Kulkarni  Volume 2 Issue 3
Article Overview


Complex network is defined as the network having large no. of nodes with complex relation (huge connectivity) among themselves. Mining communities in complex network is very important for analyzing the complex network. Many existing systems are not able to restore relation of nodes in network and do not maintain mining efficiency and community quality. A dynamical system to provide efficient mining and its membership in the community has been designed in the previous research paper, “Fast and Accurate Mining the Community Structure: Integrating Center Locating and Membership Optimization”. In it , community detection algorithm to identify the central node and related network communities has been implemented. The designed algorithm is very effective and efficient to detect network communities in identifying most accurate central nodes of simple as well as complex network. Identifying centers of the communities is very important in analyzing the properties of the complex networks. In determining the membership in structure, the previous classical optimization and heuristic methods iteratively update the membership but cannot provide the optimized result. In the previous research paper, an effective mechanism to reveal the community structure by identifying the central nodes in the network has been implemented. It also optimizes the mining efficiency and the community quality and provides more efficient way for complex network.

In the enhancement part, a secure routing algorithm jointly optimizing underlay and overlay paths using key pre-distribution schemes has been implemented where data transmission between to nodes can take place.

Keywords: Community mining, complex networks, hierarchical structure, dynamical systems.


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