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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO)

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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) [ ISSN : 2456 - 530X ]
Nidranash And It’s Management By Panchakarma(Shirobhyanga)

Author Names : Vd. Yogesh Patil (MD Samhita), Vd.Nitin Jadhav (M.D. Samhita), Vda.Poonam Sonawane (M.D. Panchkarma)  Volume 2 Issue 3
Article Overview


 In our routine life we come across many patients who complaints about not having sleep at night. This occurs repeatedly for so many months. It may be due to stress, work load, tension, loss of exercise, unhealthy diet, etc. so many people complain about sleeplessness for many night i.e. NIDRANASH. The most convenient way to overcome Nidranash,  is Shirobhyanga i.e. head massage. Shirobhyanga is type of bahyasnehana. In Ayurveda Ahara, Nidra, Bramhacharya are explained as three important pillars of healthy life (trayopstambha). So nidra is the second important pillar which must be adequate otherwise it will disturb the healthy life.

But in today’s modern era, due to modern lifestyle and hectic schedule a common man doesnot have enough time to take rest. Due to this he suffers from various problems like stress, disturbed sleep, etc. Ayurveda has described dinacharya, rutucharya & sadavritta palana for healthy living of the person. In dinacharya it describes thing things that to be done from morning till night which helps to maintain proper and good health through sound sleep and sleep helps in destroying half diseases.


[1]. Sushrut samhita (Ambikadatta shastri)

[2]. Charak samhita (brahmanand tripathi)

[3]. Kayachikitsa (C. Dwarkanath )
