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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) [ ISSN : 2456 - 530X ]
Thalassemia Major- A Critical Review Through Ayurveda

Author Names : Dr. Rahul Gameti1, Dr. Bhumi mori 2 Dr. V. K. Kori3, Dr. K.S.Patel4  Volume 2 Issue 2
Article Overview


Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin that result from an alteration in the rate of goblin chain production. A decrease in the rate of production of the globins [mainly alpha (α) and beta (β)] impedes hemoglobin synthesis leading   to early excessive destruction of red blood cells.  This causes hypo chromic, microcytic anemia, one of the characteristic presenting symptoms of thalassemia. The disease thalassemia has not been described as such in Ayurveda but in both thalassemia and Paandu Roga the main cardinal feature appears to be the same i.e., Paandutva. And the genetical basis of this disease is also well established. The terms Kulaja, Anuvamshika or Sahaja are mentioned in our classics to denote the inheritable nature of the disease. Thus, the name given to the disease thalassemia like Kulaja Paandu / Anuvamshika Paandu appears to be appropriate to define this disease entity and nomenclature coined as Beejadushtijanya Pandu. It can be understood that Pitta pradhana Tridosha affects the functions of Raktavaha srotas and ultimately the process of formation of Rakta Dhatu is affected and results in Raktavikriti.

Keywords: Globin Chain, Genetic, Beejadushtijanya Pandu, Thalassemia Major.


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