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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) [ ISSN : 2456 - 530X ]
Pishti Kalpana in Ayurveda – Review

Author Names : 1Vd. Monika S. Tayde, 2Vd.Kavita S. Deshmukh  Volume 2 Issue 5
Article Overview


The entire science of Ayurveda has been framed upon Trisutras (Hetu,Linga,Aoushadi) among them Aoushadha is more important, the drug source may be animal origin, plant origin, or mineral origin. Rasashastra is the branch that deals with preparation of formulations using metal mineral and marine drugs, Different forms of medicaments prepared like bhasma, Parpati kalpas kupipakva rasayana,pishti kalpana etc. In which Pishti Kalpana is mainly used in Unani Therapy. In ayurveda  pishti kalpana previously maintioned in term of Rasapanka, Rasapishti, Navnitapishti as per the Rasendra chudamani, Ratnas may be used for rasakarma,rasayankarma,dana, dharana,and devatacharana not only combat the god effects grahas but are likely to produce vaibhava,soubhaghya and dhairya in human beings besides this they remove daridrya (poverty),kashta (misery) also. Pishtis are generally prepared from Ratnas and Upratnas. They are in the form of fine powder prepared by triturating with herbal juices and used therapeutically in various disorders. Practically can be seen it gives better result than other formulation. 

Keywords: Pishti, Ayurveda pharmaceutics, Rasadravyas, Ratnas, Pitta vikara


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