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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) [ ISSN : 2456 - 530X ]
Aahar Vihar in Sthoulya Vyadhi. (Obesity)

Author Names : Wankhade Prajakta Jayvant,Prof. Dr. Reshma Rahul Shah  volume 3 Issue 4
Article Overview


The incidence of non communicable disease is increasing at a high rate in all over the world. Obesity is also a non communicable disease which becomes a very serious problem in the society. Due to the faulty life style and diet pattern the incidence of Obesity increasing day by day all over the world. Sedentary habits and lack of exercise are also the main reasons behind the increased incidence of Obesity. Obesity can leads to many health problems like Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease and Arthritis. Obesity reduces the average life expectancy and affects the quality of life. Hence, prevention of Obesity during its starting stage should be considered a priority for overcome the risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular, Arthritis and other serious diseases. There are many drug, medicinal preparations, Yoga and Panchkarma described in the Ayurveda having wonderful preventive and curative effect on the Obesity. In Ayurveda obesity is also known as Sthoulya. In sthoulya same symptoms arises. Thus every Sthoulya person should follow Aahar Vihar in his day today life.  

Keywords: Yoga, Panchakarma, Sthoulya, Ayurveda, Aahar, Vihar.


1. Name of Author- Prop.Aacharya Ravindra Triphathi Vidhyadhar Shukla

Name of Book – Charak Samhita.

2.Name of Author- Prop. Sudarshan Shastri.

Name of Book – Madhav Nidan with “The Madhukosh Sanskrit Commentary”.

3. Name of Author- Prop. B.K Mahajan

Name of Book – Methods of Biostatistics.

4. Name of Author- Longo, Fauci, Kasper, Hauser, Jameson, Loscalzo.

Name of Book – Hrrisons Text Book Of Internal Medicine.

5. Name of Author- Prop. Harsh Mohan.

Name of Book – Textbook of Pathology.

Note:- Additional references of book's concerned with subject will be added from time to time in bibliography.